Attention is all you need


Shubham Gupta


April 20, 2020


  • This paper review is following the blog from Jay Alammar’s blog on the Illustrated Transformer. The blog can be found here.

Paper Introduction

  • New architecture based solely on attention mechanisms called Transformer. Gets rids of recurrent and convolution networks completely.

  • Generally, RNN used to seq-to-seq tasks such as translation, language modelling, etc.

  • Transformer allows for significant parallelization and relies only on attention.


  • Self attention Attention to different positions of a sequence in order to compute a representation of the sequence.

Model Architecture

  • Transformer uses the following:

    • Encoder decode mechanism

    • Stacked self attention

    • Point wise fully connected layer for encoder and decoder


Encoder and decoder stacks

  • Encoder: 6 identical layers. 2 sub layers per layer

  • First: multi-head self attention mechanism

  • Second: Fully connected feed forward network

  • Apply residual connection for each of the two laters

  • Apply layer normalization

  • Decoder: 6 identical layers. 2 sub layers as above + 1 more which performs multi-head attention over output of encoder stack

  • Residual blocks: Present around all 3 sub layers

  • Layer normalization: Normalizes input across features instead of normalizing input features across batch dimension(i.e in batch normalization). There is a great overview of normalization layers available by Akash Bindal here.

  • Modify self-attention sub layer to prevent positions from attending to subsequent positions. Ensures that i output depends only on words before i.


  • 3 vectors: Query(Q), Key(K) and Value(V)

  • Output = Weighted sum of values. Weights assigned as a function of query with key.

  • Scaled dot-product attention and multi-head attention

    Types of Attention
  • Attention is calculated as:

    \[ Attention(Q,K,V) = softmax(\frac{QK^T}{\sqrt{d_k}})V \]

  • Dot product attention is faster and more space-efficient than additive attention.

Multi head attention

  • Using multile q, k and v vectors. Get the final output, concatenate them and get another final projection \(d_{v}\).

    $$ MultiHead(Q,K,V) = Concat(head_1,…,head_h)W^O \

    \text{where } head_i = Attention(QW_{i}^{Q}, KW_{i}^{K},VW_{i}^{V})


  • Dimensions of the key and value matrices will be: \(d_{k} = d_{v} = d_{model}/h = 64\)

Applications of attention

  • Encoder-decoder attention: Q from previours decoder, K and V from output of decoder. Attend to all positions in the input sequence.

  • Encoder: Self attentnion laters. Q,K and V from output of previous layer in the encoder. Some talk about leftward flow, didn’t really understand this bit. Will come back to this in sometime.

Position-wise Feed-Forward Networks

  • Each layer contains feed-forward network.

    \[ FFN(x) = max(o, xW_1,+ b_1)W_2 + b_2 \]

Embeddings and Softmax

  • Convert input and output string to vectors of dim \(d_{model}\)

  • Share weight matrix between two embedding layers and the pre-softmaax linear transformation

Positional Encoding

  • Encode positions of the tokens for the input and output.

  • Same vector size i.e \(d_{model}\)

    $$ PE_{(pos, 2i)} = sin(pos/10000^{2i/d_{model}}) \

        PE_{(pos, 2i+1)} = cos(pos/10000^{2i/d_{model}})


  • Might allow approximation of longer sequence lenghts than seen in the training set

Why self attention?

  • Total computational complexity per layer

  • Parallel Computation

  • Path length between long-range dependencies in the network.



  • Use Adam. Vary learning rate according to formula: \(lrate = d_{model}^{-0.5} . min(step_num^{-0.5}, step_num . warmupsteps^{-1.5})\)

  • Increase LR for warmup steps, then decrease propotionally to inverse square root of step number. Warmup steps = 4000


  • Residual Dropout

  • Label Smoothing: Instead of using 0 and 1 as class labels, allow for some uncertainity in the prediction, and use values like 0.1 and 0.9 for the classes


  • This was the first model based entirely on attention. It acheived SOTA results on Machine Translation and English contituency parsing.